We specialize in providing innovative and sustainable solutions to landowners who are seeking to maximize the recreational potential of their properties in an environmentally responsible way. Our team is dedicated to ensuring you get the most out of your land’s natural resources — for your enjoyment and the benefit of the surrounding ecosystem. We take a holistic approach to our work, taking into account the specific environmental challenges you face and the unique characteristics of your property and the surrounding area. We understand that every landowner has a different vision for their property, so we take the time to understand your specific situation and work to develop a customized plan that meets your goals. So whether you need help improving fish habitat, building a waterfowl wetland or pond, or ongoing management, we are here to help you achieve your vision while protecting the natural resources that make your property special.
Case Study:
Foust Slough Wetland Enhancement
Foust Land Limited Partnership
Moiese, MT
Project Description
Foust Slough is a spring-fed wetland in the floodplain of the lower Flathead River in western Montana that seasonally serves millions of birds during their north-south migrations. The Slough is especially important to overwintering waterfowl because it never freezes and is in close proximity to croplands and other protected lands, including the Ninepipes National Wildlife Refuge, and the National Bison Range. The USFWS has documented up to 25,000 ducks using Foust Slough in the winter. Confluence was selected by the Foust Land Limited Partnership to design a comprehensive wetland restoration and enhancement project that would meet both the landowner’s and NRCS’ goals.
Project Accomplishments
- Creation of two shallow wetland areas to expand waterfowl use.
- Restoration of West Pond, Middle Pond, Northeast Pond, and East Spring Creek.
- Installation of water control structures and irrigation return flow pipes to improve habitat management.
Project Elements
- Topographic survey of project area
- Wetland and waterfowl habitat restoration and enhancement design
- Regulatory permitting
- Bid package and bid award assistance
- Construction oversight and inspections
- NRCS project certification and as-builts

Case Study:
Rock Creek Fisheries Habitat Improvement Project
Rock Creek Cattle Company
Garrison, MT
Project Description
Confluence provided survey, design, permitting, and construction management services for an aquatic habitat improvement project along 1.25 miles of Rock Creek within the Rock Creek Cattle Company Ranch. This project aimed to replace previously removed woody complexes to improve pool habitat complexity and cover for rainbow and brown trout. The project involved strategically placing 36 trees and 65 boulders in the channel to create scour features and pocket water and improve fish habitat and angling opportunities.
Project Accomplishments
- Improved fish habitat by constructing woody debris and boulder features at 26 locations.
- Narrowed 165 feet of channel to improve sediment transport.
Project Elements
- Channel survey
- Pool habitat complexity preliminary and final design
- Regulatory permitting
- Construction management and oversight