Land Developers
We understand that, as a developer, your goal is to maximize the value of your property while minimizing any potential environmental risks. That’s where we come in. Our team of ecologists, wetland scientists, and engineers has the expertise to help you navigate complex environmental regulations, identify potential environmental risks, and develop dynamic solutions to mitigate those risks. We take a proactive approach to our work, working with you from the earliest stages of planning to ensure that environmental considerations are integrated into every aspect of your project. What sets us apart is our ability to find cost-effective solutions that protect the environment and add value to your project. Whether you’re developing a new site or repurposing an existing one, we’re here to help you achieve your goals while maintaining the highest environmental standards.
Case Study:
Statewide Stream and Wetland Mitigation Monitoring
Montana Department of Transportation
Statewide, Montana
Project Description
MDT maintains a series of statewide mitigation sites to offset unavoidable impacts to streams and wetlands from construction and maintenance of the State’s highway system. Since 2009, Confluence has performed annual monitoring of mitigation sites as required by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to meet Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Monitoring activities vary by site, and include wetland delineations, functional assessment of wetland conditions, vegetation community mapping, groundwater monitoring, stream channel stability assessments, bank erosion inventories, and channel cross section and thalweg surveys. Monitoring results are compared to established success criteria to document whether the mitigation site is adequately performing and replacing the ecological functions lost due to highway construction projects.
Project Accomplishments:
- Performance monitoring at 14 stream mitigation sites since 2012.
- Performance monitoring at 22 wetland mitigation sites since 2009.
- Annual monitoring report submittals to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers